How Things Can Change in a Year

Burhaan Pattel
4 min readDec 30, 2015

Just after Christmas of 2014, I made a decision that would change my life forever. I was going through what felt like a mid-life crisis. I was frustrated, overworked, and worrying about everything under the sun. Worse still, I had no idea how to fix it.

As a problem solver, I always found a way to find an answer. When I discovered Google, I was amazed that I did not have to walk into a library, or ask someone for answers that I had questions to. In my professional working career, people actually came to me to ask me ‘how to’ do stuff. How do I pivot this spreadsheet to get the graph I want? How do I insert a table of context in a word document? How did I finance my car and pay so little insurance? How did I open a furniture factory from a double car garage?

After 3 years of being married, the second time, it was clear that it just was not working out. I needed a change. A big one. Up to the end of 2014, I had learned that I was pretty resilient to change. I had relocated my home, changed jobs, changed careers, changed cars and changed relationships more often than google changed its algorithm. I embrace being different. I was brought up to zig when others zagged. Instilled in me though my dad’s Zig Ziglar audio cassettes in the 80’s and 90’s.

Usually, when I am bored and looking for something exciting to learn or do, I read books written by smart people. The goal is always to find the nugget that will change my life for the better. Taking action is the other side of that coin.

A friend had recommended two books. I am always open minded when it comes to success education. The first was “The Four Hour Work Week” by Timothy Ferriss. The Second, “Crush IT” by Gary Vaynerchuk.

Both individuals are powerhouses in their own right. Gary Vee is a true sales person through and through. Tim Ferriss is a living experiment. Literally. His research methods involve testing theories himself, then documenting and sharing the results.

Tim taught me that anything is possible. Gary taught me to take action.

So what did I decide to do after reading these books? I had already decided that I needed a big change. Something that would stretch me. Something I had never tried before and may never have even thought of doing in the past. I whipped out a bucket list I had created a few years earlier. Looking at the list, I decided to do the scariest thing to me at the time. Travelling the world was pretty prominent on the list. I knew I didn’t want to break a record to go around it in the fastest time. I wanted time to adapt to places, get to know the culture and feel the place.

Then the answer was revealed, “Give everything up, and move to Thailand”.

This sounds very vague and could be quite a stupid thing to do. Until I was asked a question that will stick with me for as long as I live. “Is this another dream, or something I’m actually going to do?” That question hit me square in the face like a Mike Tyson right hook.

Any good coach will tell you that you need to create a SMART goal. Specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely goals are critical to achieve anything in life.

So this was how I said the goal to myself.

Within 100 days I will give up all my stuff, get a backpack and move to Bangkok, with no intention of returning.

Within 90 days I was at the airport with my one-way ticket boarding pass waiting for my flight to Asia.

I am happy to report that 1 year after making the decision in 2014, I have managed to live with less, live more freely, am location independent, and am happier than ever.

It has been a pretty interesting year. Laughter, sadness, disappointment and change. I am satisfied that this year has been one of the best thus far.

I started Bridgeight Media to help companies sell more stuff and is a funky online t-shirts business.

Some parting advice:

  • Make a decision and act on it.
  • Ask this question to yourself often “Is this another dream, or something I’m actually going to do?”
  • Tell as many people as you can. If the goal is radicle enough, people will ask you about it and keep you accountable.
  • Pick changes that are radicle and will force you to stretch.
  • Learn something new daily.

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Burhaan Pattel

I help creators gain influence and increase conversions • Agency Owner 🎙Podcast host. Join my newsletter for marketing insights, news and events.